I want to see your dark side! So here's my question for you...
What did you get in trouble for as a teenager?
My answer... I'm purposely avoiding my fake ID story because that's just too embarrassing. So let's take it back to the beginning of my awkward years. Age 13, when I discovered rebellion. Or my idea of rebellion. Let it be known, I was the smarty pants choir girl, voted "most likely to succeed." During a choir concert one night, my friend Amy and I decided to change up the choreography at the last minute without asking the teacher. Instead of raising our arms up at the end of the song, we turned back to back and folded our arms across our chests. You know, how people stood in the 90's. Our choir director saw it and gave us the ultimate death stare. His face changed from white to red to purple in a matter of seconds. After the show, he walked straight over to my parents and threatened to kick me out of choir and flunk me! Can you believe it? He ended up not, but let's just say I was no longer his favorite pupil. And that, my friends, is how I tarnished my goodie goodie reputation in middle school.
{Photo by Annija Muižule}