With fall just around the corner, I thought this song would be a lovely Lyrimage. I included it on last year's Autumn Playlist, as it's always been a favorite of mine. "Pale September" was never a radio hit, but it still haunts me to this day. It's about letting down your guard in love. Some say it's about giving birth, and although I doubt that was Fiona Apple's meaning, it definitely could ring true.
But let's talk about Fiona Apple for a bit, shall we? Her debut album, Tidal, shaped my later formative years and carried me through college and beyond. As a songwriter, her lyrics and melodies are beyond comparison. I'd be lying if I said she didn't play a huge role in my own recording artist aspirations. Did Fiona effect you like she did me?
You can listen along to "Pale September" here.
{Images via: 1. Breaking Branches; 2. La_Sendi; 3. Samantha Lamb; 4. ~Bittersea; 5.Jotain Latteeta Ihanaa; 6. Be Like Water; 7. Fenandz; 8. Unknown; 9. Tina Briarah; 10. Loves Lost City; 11. Chagrin; 12. Fotografer_San; 13. Fashionising; 14. Vega Chastain; 15. Tumbler; 16. Grunge Gypsy}