The original title of this post was called "Taking Our Engagement Photos". As you may recall, my brother is a fabulous photographer. He graciously agreed to shoot us tomorrow, but the rain gods are not playing nice. It's supposed to be stormy all weekend so we might have to reschedule. Oh, Seattle.
Are you up to anything special over the holiday weekend? See you again on Tuesday, sweeties. Until then, do enjoy the links...
Hovering amusement rides in Buenos Aires.
Would you ever paint your sofa?
Just one more reason to love Chipotle.
A Volkswagon bed and playhouse.
What dogs look like underwater.
Printable action sheets.
Cool 3D curtains.
Wake up with the morning mug.
Darling vintage inspired refrigerators.
Pizza in a jar.
And some posts of mine you may have missed...
{Image via The Wedding Row by Giving Weddings}