My darlings, it is high time I introduce you to one of my best besties, Tiffany Shinn. Otherwise known as Miss World. We became fast friends at USC when she joined Sirens, bonding over silly soprano lines. Since then, we've traveled Europe together, formed a book club, supported each other when the men in our lives wouldn't, and devoured more cheese than should be humanly possible.
Tiff is quickly becoming a big deal in the Los Angeles restaurant scene. She reviews hot spots from all over the country on Eat Your Heart Out L.A., a food and love blog. And she's a phenomenal writer. I challenge you to read one of her posts and not to drool on your keyboard or tear up with emotion. Each and every post artfully incorporates details of her personal life. Think Sex and the City, but with food.
She recently asked me to take part in her new series: Love Grub Recipes. Question: what special dish do Hal and I enjoy together the most? Read our not-so-surprising answer here, along with a sweet story of our relationship.
T-bird, thank you again for the heartwarming post. It is beyond words, as are you. Love you friend.