During my mom's annual Halloween party last year, we had an epic scavenger hunt. She sent us out around our neighborhood to pick up pine cones, maple leaves, scotchbroom, chestnuts, seashells, bugs, dog poo, and about 100 other things. A very serious event. Hours later, I was was so proud to have found everyting on the list! As we gathered round to announce our treasures, I realized I was neck in neck with my brother...grrr.
It got down to the dog poo. He showed his, I showed mine. Yet I made the mistake of announcing where I found it. Apparently, the location of my dog poo was the infamous raccoon poo spot! Everyone seemed to know this, but me. I was defeated. And after that traumatic episode, scavenger hunts have left a foul taste in my mouth, or shall I say, a foul stink in my nose.
This story has a point, I promise! I recently discovered that an old friend from high school, Emily, has a crafty little blog with some great DIY ideas. She made these scavenger hunt cards and treasure bags to go along. Aren't they adorable? See her tutorial here. Now I'm almost inspired to try another scavenger hunt again this year. Minus the dog poo! ;)
{Images by Saltwater Kids}