What are you up to this weekend? I'm spending mine with Carrie, my freshman year roomie at USC. We were randomly assigned together back in the day and we're still the best of friends. Pretty rare!
Our one and only "fight" was about whether to turn our dorm beds into bunks or not. I wanted bunks so we could fit a couch in the room. She didn't. We didn't talk for days, so I finally gave in. So silly, but oh-so important at the time! We still tease each other about it.
If you went to college, are you still close with your freshman year roomie? Enjoy the
weekend links my dears!
A lovely collection of French book covers.
This water meditation really calms the mind.
I kid you not, a wall of bikes.
Clever table wine package design.
An incredible garden of knowledge.
I'd love to spend the rest of summer here.
Anyone know where to find these recycled denim Converse?
A habitable polyhedron house.
This beautiful couple fell in love on a school bus.
Do you remember your first kiss?
And some posts of mine you may have missed...
{Image via You're Dangerous and Beautiful}