"Time in a Bottle" by Jim Croce is a song that is very dear to my heart. My band, Lorelei, just did a re-make of the original. We wanted to keep the same beautiful lyrics and haunting vibe, but make the music a bit more modern. You can listen to it here.
P.S. Yes, I totally made up the word, Lyrimage. Hey, if Tyra Banks can do it with "smize" (smiling with your eyes), I can do it too. Lyrimage = lyrics + images together. I'm thinking about making this a reoccurring series. Yes? No?
{Images by: 1. We Heart It, 2. 666Conducer, 3. Simply Stardust, 4. Wasting, 5. DayTripper, 6. Alice & The Library, 7. Harry.Ginny.Love, 8. Peonies and Polaroids, 9. LoveyDreams, 10. Holga, 11. Good Music Good People, 12. UppercaseYYC, 13. The Unicorn Diaries, 14. Verhext, 15. Samantha Williams}